Back on December 17th, while skating Skatebird Miami, I had the unfortunate incident of an involuntary dismount from my board resulting in a torn meniscus of my right knee. In skater terms, “I ate shit” and in the process literally fucked my right knee.
56 days into my recovery, I’m making progress; however, it is slower than I ever expected. I never could believe that having one joint so out of whack could have a cascading impact on other areas of my body.
My original goal was to be back skating by the end of January or early February. That time frame has come and gone with last Sunday’s attempt at skipping rope (very plyometric), which I thought we be a good test of my recovery, resulting in the straining of my right calf, further compromising my push leg. 😢
Over the last eight weeks, I’ve continued to maintain my diligence rehabbing and getting in my normal workouts, which I’m quite pleased with as they demonstrate with each passing day my knee is improving.
Today, I’m happy to report that I was actually able to return to my normal, daily yoga routine with zero issues. A little loss in flexibility (range of motion) in a couple of poses but that will return over time as I continue on with my daily practice.
At this point I’m not sure when I’ll be returning to the board and feel that I will know when the time is right versus setting another deadline.
Overall, I’m in good spirits and confident that I’ll be ready to skate once the Chicago weather breaks warmer. *mahalo* 🤙